Prof. Eko Indrajit

Senior Partner
Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster.

Experience & Activities

Eko graduated from Surabaya Institute of Technology as Computer Engineer and Master of Applied Computer Science fromHarvard University, Massachusetts, USA. His Doctor of Business Administration degree was from Pamantasanng Lungsodng Maynila (University of the City of Manila), the Philippines.

He started his business, management, and information technology practices in Price Waterhouse Indonesia as Senior Consultant before joining several prominent corporations.

As an academician, he has been appointed as the Rektor of Pradita Institute In government sector, he has been assigned as a special staff and advisor to various institutions, such as: Secretary General of National Auditing Board, Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, National Defense Board (Lemhannas), National Narcotics Body, and Central Bank of Indonesia – before finally appointed as the first Chairman of ID-SIRTII (Indonesia SecurityIncidents Response Team on Internet Infrastructure).